Monday, December 29, 2008

Merry, Merry Christmas!

Four generations of Christmas under one roof!

Reid, Riley, & Nana


Jenna & Reese

Avery & Macy


Jack - the incredible hulk

Jaxon & Sam, very interested in each other's stuff!

Eyes on the ball, Sam!

Jack, finally got his light sabers!

Tine & Sam

Kyle - with our high fivin' snowmen.

Here are a few photos for my family and friends of our fun and crazy Christmas. I'm not even sure how many of us were there, but for sure a house full (a couple of house fulls and 4 rooms at the bed and breakfast to be exact!). Everyone was able to be there, including our fabulous five, now one year olds! I got a picture of each of them, but we gave up getting them all in one picture at the same time!!! They were a little busy for that! Santa was good to all the kiddos, but mostly the good Lord has given us all soooo much to be thankful for! We had a blessed Christmas and hope you did, too!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Go Lady Cards!!!

One more basketball season for the Whitster!

2nd place in the University of St. Thomas Tournment in Houston,

lost to Houston Westbury.

Whitney is holding the trophy, which is hard to see since it is clear! We really did get one!

They played a great 1st tournament, and we had a fun weekend in Houston.

Uncle Rand & Aunt Jane

Thanks to our Houston fans for braving the traffic to come to the game! Your traffic makes ours look rural!

It was so fun having all of you there!

Macy, Reid, & Heather

Go Cardinals!

It's Fall Y'all!

Giggi's house is well guarded!

Friday, October 17, 2008

What Happened to August & September???

I can't believe that I've gone 3 months without blogging! Well, it's been a busy three months & so I guess that is why!

The most exciting news, and news that makes me hold my breath everyday, is that Christine finally got in to see the specialist in Dallas that we had been hoping & praying to see. He found stones in her bile duct, through a test that only a few doctors seem to do. I don't really know why that is the case! But anyway, he was able to remove them the next day & she is doing better every day. I hold my breath because I really feel like & pray that this is the answer we've waited for for so long! God is doing mighty things in their lives, & we know He is always faithful even when the storm is long. Christine was able to sing "I Will Praise You in the Storm" at church a couple of weeks ago. What a testimony to everyone who has seen her name on the hospital list for the past two years. I was blessed to hear her & Matt share their story, & how God has carried them, with the FWC middle school last week. I have longed to see these blessings come out of their sufferings, and thank God for these sweet experiences. I believe God will use them mightily, because even though things may not make sense to us at the time, He never wastes a single trial that we go through.

After spending so much time as the Granny Nanny, I am reconfiguring how I spend my days. I am definitely not complaining, just readjusting. As much as I looked forward to normal (whatever that is), I find myself missing the little bugars! Jack came over the other day, & we snuggled up to watch cartoons. He said "Giggi, I love you more than the sunshine. Do you love me more than the sunshine?" Be still my heart, more than the sun, moon, & stars! And little Sam -- what could be better than a pacie pulled out of his mouth so he can give you a big juicy kiss? They are precious!!!

Now we are in full swing with our baby girls senior year of high school!!! She turned 18! I still find myself missing the big huge bow on her head! Next week is the official start of basketball season! After I'm not even sure how many years of basketball games, I can't believe this is the last one & I intend to relish every minute. Praying for no injuries this year & just an overall good season! I know next year we will miss it (and her!) so much! Go Lady Cards!

Kyle is looking in to going over seas to teach English. He is interested in Japan & Korea. I really have to trust this one to the Lord. He has to make sure he can stay healthy, as he is still receiving treatments every 8 weeks for his colitis. He is feeling great right now, and assures me there are English speaking hospitals there that are very good. I say so...I won't be able to run up there & make sure they are taking good care of things! But that is borrowing trouble. Maybe he will never have have a sick day there!!! If it works out for him to go I will trust that it is God's will. Like I said -- I have to put this whole thing in God's hands.

One day at a time has been one of my biggest lessons through these trials. One day when I was leaving the hospital during Christine's illness I was whining (yes, sometimes I realized my prayers were whining for sure) to the Lord, & I really felt like He impressed on my heart to "just do today". No, we don't always know how things will turn out, or how long a storm will last, or what will happen tomorrow, but we can just do today. I think that was pretty much stated in the sermon on the mount. "Don't worry about tomorrow, each day has enough trouble of it's own". How sweet that God knows the befores & afters and we are each hemmed in by his grace.

Blessings to you my sweet family & friends!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Quick Update

Thanks to all of you who are praying & checking in on Christine. I just wanted to let you know that she has been at home this week. She is still dealing with a lot of severe pain & nausea, and they are waiting to get in with a pancreatic specialist. The plan is for him to do further testing on a outpatient basis. The hospital seemed to think she was stable enough to go home to wait for this doctor to be available. Keep her in your prayers, and that these tests will bring answers! God bless!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Mission Piedras Negras

We started our days early, about 6:30 am, so we had a few hours before it got really, really hot. Whitney's right in the middle with a red bandana on.
Whit & a few friends ready to put those muscles to work.
Whitney's boyfriend Elliott & his twin brother, Nick, came on the trip. I'm pretty sure they had no idea what they were getting into! They worked really, really hard.
We missed our directory photo, maybe this lovely family shot should be turned in. Not.

Tying rebar on the roof.
Passing up the mixed buckets of concrete. Yes, this became a roof bucket by bucket of concrete.
Working hard, never to be outdone by the youngsters.
Elliott & Nick on the scaffolding passing up buckets for at least two hours. I tried to make them take a break, but they wouldn't. Hard working boys! This is the finished roof about a bazillion buckets of concrete later. I climbed up on the hill where the children's home is being constructed to take this picture. A group from Memorial Road Church of Christ in Oklahoma was up there working on it.

A couple of weeks ago, Ray, Whitney, & I were blessed to go along with the juniors & seniors in our church's youth group on a mission trip to Piedras Negras, Mexico. It is a town just across the border from Eagle Pass. We has a great week working with the church there to put a concrete roof on their church building. Eventually they will add two more floors to the building, and it will connect to a home for disabled children at the top of the hill. It is an amazing thing to watch it all come together, to see how hard teenagers are willing to work, and the great camaraderie among the group despite the long, hot days! There is a sweet, sweet Spirit among us to accomplish such a feat. Here are a few of the pictures from our week. God bless the work done this summer by many, many young people from all of our churches setting out to do mission work all over the world. They are living examples of giving a cup of cold water in Jesus' name!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Faith, Joy, & Perseverence!

Have you ever laid eyes on a more precious miracle? Baby Sam turned one yesterday. This time last year the only thing he was eating was through an NG tube, but yesterday he attacked this cupcake like he had been waiting his whole life for it! He did not hesitate one bit! The bittersweetness of the day was that he was in a booster seat at the foot of his Mommy's hospital bed! He had to make her feel a little better though because he put on a wonderful show! Christine was admitted to a new hospital in Dallas on Tuesday. It is a large teaching hospital, and we have great hope that the One who knows us inside and out will reveal more pieces to the puzzle with new doctors researching her case. Until the answers come, our families long for that miracle as well! We'll have an all out celebration then! Keep her in your prayers!

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Back again!

I hate to say it, but Tine went to the ER Thursday night & this time they decided to keep her. She feels awful & we would all appreciate your prayers, once again! I am hopeful that their doctor will give them a referral & they'll get insurance approval to go to someplace where they are more equipped to figure this whole medical mystery out. We are weary of seeing her suffer! They desperately need a break! They are a loving , talented couple & I long to see God's plans for them go forward without the hinderances of sickness, hospitals, bills, & setbacks. I believe that is God's will, too. They are His children & they have clung to Him & His strength throughout this ordeal. Whenever Christine is able, & even when she really doesn't feel up to it, she is up there on the praise team giving it all she has. Even though it completely exhausts her, she refuses to let Satan defeat her when she has the opportunity to praise God. It makes me well up to even think about it. Matt has amazed me continually by his ability to balance his time at her side, with the kids, keeping the house & yard up, and at his work. He is exhausted! I know the Lord has been the one carrying him, but also long to see him be past the trial & on to the testimony!!! Thanks for being our tireless prayer warriors for the last year & a half! We are blessed to be a part of God's family! How do others make it through the valleys? I'm so thankful for faith, family, & friends!
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope & a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Monday, May 26, 2008

God Bless America!

Baseball, hotdogs, apple pie....
Hope you are all having a nice day off, enjoying family & friends!
I'm a little overdue in letting you know Christine is home from the hospital. She came home last Wednesday. She is still feeling a little rough, but we are hoping the medicine changes will make her feel better soon. We are also looking into some other options as far as medical answers, so keep her & Matt in your prayers.
We are blessed to have Kyle home this holiday weekend. He was in a wedding last night, and it was really sweet to watch two of his best friends marry each other. Congratulations to Stephanie & Jeff. It was a beautiful wedding in the Japanese Gardens in Fort Worth. We are also blessed to have a little birthday celebration with him, as he will turn 24 on the 28th! Wow! How can that be? It seems like not that many Memorial Days ago he was born, and we were at Harris Hospital looking for the doctor on call! Time does fly by!
Whitney will have finals this week & then school will be out for summer, and she'll officially be a senior! Talk about time flying! She already has a summer job, and has gotten two paychecks already! Go Whit. Tomorrow we will go open up her very own checking account. My baby girl...
Hope you all had a great day, enjoyed your time off, appreciated the freedoms we have in the good old USA, and taken time to thank those who fought and are fighting for them. We love you!

God bless the USA!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Lemonade Anyone?

They say when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. I hope this won't be too tart! I'll try not to forget to add some sweetener!

Today makes one week for this hospital stay for Christine. 8 days if you count the day at the ER. About 10 days, I think, of having trouble keeping anything down & hurting more than anything seems to help. I'm afraid that we still have more questions than answers, and more tests to do. About a year and a half of being in and out of the hospital. Close to 9 months of being in the hospital if you add it all together. I feel so bad for her. Please pray for her. All we want is normal. Just normal. Normal is something to be grateful for, but something we often don't acknowledge until we lose it. Does anyone know anything about the hospital in Florida that specializes in adhesions? I mean more than we can read on the internet. Like know someone who has been there or anything? Good reports, bad reports? It might be something to look into if it is a reputable place.

Pray for Matt, too. It is hard to balance time at the hospital, do a good job at work, be a daddy to some boys who are missing Mommy & Daddy. He has a heavy weight on his shoulders right now.

Pray for the boys. They are seeming a little like I feel after a week's vacation. We've had some fun, but they just miss home. Mommy, Daddy, their own beds & toys. We go over there some during the day, and last night Matt took them home & they enjoyed some Daddy time & slept at home. We make some short hospital visits. After Mommy's bed has had a few adjustments, we've checked out the vending machines, nursery, elevators, etc. that's about time to go.

One thing I always enjoy when the boys are with me are the funny things they say. Well, Jack says, all Sam says is hi dah & holds his hand up. Its very cute. The other night we were reading bedtime stories & Jack was running back and forth to the bedroom to get more books, which are almost out of his reach. He decided to get the bible story book, which was a little heavy as well as a little high. I heard him yell, help, help, help me Giggi. I need help with the true word of God. Paw Paw & I had a good laugh.

Sam is crawling on all fours now. He is amazingly fast. Yes, that little tiny baby can move. He is determined to get to Pokey, who is no longer a puppy but a grouchy old dog, at least as far as hospitality is concerned. Pokey & I are determined Sam will not get to her. How much time can a dog spend in the utility room? Alot.

Sam has learned to operate the walker during this stay, at least on the wood floors. Once again, he is fast. The other night Whitney & Elliot were pushing him back and forth, and jumping around him. I was like, be careful, and Sam was cackling. He thought it was hilarious.

Only a couple more weeks of school. Hooray. This semester has been a booger!!!
After paying tuition since 1990 something, we seem to feel this school stinks. Wow, can we get a refund? Add a good senior year to your prayer list!

Hope I'm not too big of a whiner! I promise to pray for you, too!

"Is anyone among you afflicted? He should pray. Is anyone glad at heart? He should sing praise." James 5:13 - from the true Word of God.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

It's Me, It's Me, It's Me, Oh Lord!

Yes, here we are again standing in the need of prayer! Christine had to go in the hospital again last Wednesday. She is having a really rough time, so please pray for her & that all the tests she is being put through will reveal the answers that lead to wellness!!! I think I have spent a lot of my life taking my health totally for granted! The last 5 or 6 years have shown me what a gift it is to enjoy good health! She has suffered so much & missed out on so much, too. Her grandfather is in the same hospital recovering from major heart surgery last week! And her dad is also struggling with his health & having serious heart problems, too. Needless to say, her whole family needs your prayers! I hate watching everyone struggle so much, and feel so helpless in wanting it to all be OK! But we know God is in control, He knows us inside & out, and is our Great Physician. I pray He will highlight the problem with a neon highlighter to the doctors as they do tests this week on Christine.

I believe God's Word is the best medicine. "They are life to all who find them, and health to all their flesh." Prov. 4:22. One of my favorite healing scriptures is found in Psalm 103:2-5. "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from destruction, who crowns you with lovingkindness, and tender mercies, who satisfies your mouth with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagles." Wouldn't that be a great testimony!? What are some of your favorite healing scriptures?

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Yea Team!

We did it! We walked our five miles, and the last time I checked the website Team Brock and Brody had raised over a $1,ooo for the March of Dimes Walk for Babies. I'm pretty sure we really walked at least 6 miles, because it seemed like an awfully long way when we realized we were just at the starting gate! A 70% chance of rain held off, and we had a cloudy, cool, & breezy walk. Thank you, Lord! We had a wonderful time just being together, and knowing we were helping a good cause at the same time! I am so proud of everyone who walked in spite of obstacles that could've easily held them back. The children did great - in & out of their strollers. Jack and Riley occasionally jogging, Macy, the birthday girl, scootering along, Sam patiently riding & riding & riding even though his naptime had come & gone, Reid taking care of Avery as she took a little nap while strolling along. I worried about Christine walking, and we took a lawn chair hanging on the stroller in case she needed it, but she walked the entire way! It was me with the nauseous migraine on the way home, borrowing her nausea medicine! And thank goodness she had it!!! Even so, it was a great weekend & I'm so glad we were able to join our sweet team captain, Ashley & our first annual? Team Brock & Brody! Thanks to everyone who supported us in any way! You are part of the team, too! Yea team!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

My fwiend, Jack

Rock climbing
Ready for the beach!

It was such a beautiful spring day, Jack & I went to try out a new park down the road from my house.
I think three and a half might be the perfect age for the playground and the camera. On the way he said "your my fwiend, Giggi. And PawPaw is my Daddy's fwiend." "Yes" I said "And PawPaw is your daddy's, daddy." He said "mmmm." Deep thoughts for a three year old. We had a great time, the hardest part was getting him to leave, which required the promise of a sonic coke! It's the little things that make a great day!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Go Team Brock & Brody!

Next weekend I am so blessed to be joining my sweet niece, her husband, and precious daughter in the March of Dimes walk in Houston. We walk to honor their precious twins, Brock & Brody, who were born just a little over 4 years ago. They came into this world just a little too soon, and soon were safe in the arms of Jesus. We'll never forget the mark they made on our hearts and on this world in their short time on this earth. We all wish they could be here to play with all of us - but we find enormous comfort knowing they are in Heaven and we will join them there someday. I often think of my Granny Price, who loved babies so much, doting on them there. That would truly be heaven to her! We will have a grand family reunion one day with all of those who have gone before, and introducing them to those who have joined our family since. I look forward to that day, thanks to the blessed assurance offered me in Christ.

I also walk to show my gratitude for the amazing care my own grandsons, who were both born prematurely, received. They are now happy, healthy little boys. Often God answers prayers through doctors, nurses, and medical breakthroughs. We pray that more medical breakthroughs will come through the research done by the March of Dimes, and more and more babies will grow into happy, healthy children.

I'm looking forward to a roadtrip, where I will join my niece's family, my sister, other nieces, & friends. You can read more about the march on their blogs -- Ashley A., Lynn, Christine, & Mindy -- all on the links to the right. They have links, if you want to contribute to the walk, but most of all keep us all in your prayers! God bless the babies!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Sassy Saga

Well, the girls decided this morning to officially hang up their pom poms. We discussed it from every angle, and prayed and encouraged them to pray, and they just believe this is the right thing to do. I'm a little disappointed that her senior year isn't even here yet, and has started on a sour note. But on the bright side, we should have a happy basketball coach, a few less ads to sell (still have to cover the costs of the uniforms already ordered), and one less camp this summer! Maybe we can go on a vacation! I need one! Thanks for your prayers & encouraging words!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Happy Birthday to Nana!

I have the best mom in the world and today is her birthday!

Everything I ever needed to know I learned at her feet.
Like you should always buy Jergen's lotion, Joy dishwashing soap, make your bed and your whole room instantly looks better... I could go on and on with important lessons. But most of all she has taught me the true meaning of loving unconditionally. She might purse her lips at you, but she'll always love you. Bad grades, bad friends, fights with your sisters (only one or two! haha!), she'll always be there to love you and pick up the pieces. She loves so much that I know it sometimes hurts & keeps her awake at night thinking of her babies, grandbabies, and great-grandbabies. She lives her most important lesson-- she is a model of Christ's love and grace to all of us, and to everyone she meets. And we all love her sooooo much, too! Happy Birthday Mom! You'll always be my best girlfriend!

Friday, April 4, 2008

The Sassy Girls

These are the Sassy Girls. They're a little like the Ya Ya's. The number they are holding up is their official Sassy Girl number. Most of them have been best buddies since kindergarten. A couple of them are about to graduate and head off to college, and the other four will be seniors next year. Like sisters, they might pick at each other, but nobody else better mess with them. Last week one of them got in some trouble and was called in to the office. I'm not going say much about that, but just that it wasn't Whitney so her aunts, cousins, & nana can take a deep breath now. The girl was called into the office, she very honestly admitted her mistake, and in a very harsh punishment was kicked off the cheerleading squad for next year. To show their support, and that they believed their friend was treated very unfairly, the other three (including Whitney) went in the office yesterday and resigned as cheerleaders for next year. They have until Monday to change their minds, but I don't think they will. I have very mixed feelings about all of this. I've really never been the typical Texas cheerleader mother, but I just don't want them to regret giving up their last year of cheering together. I'm also proud of them for taking a difficult stand, and for being loyal friends. So, say a little prayer for Whit and the Sassies to know that they are doing the right thing. And throw up a little prayer for the principal's heart to soften while you're at it! Drama, drama, drama! I'll keep you posted! Thanks!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Sunny Day

Sunny day, we've got things goin' our way!
(To the tune of Sesame Street, of course. )
Aren't they cute! And so, so busy!
When they go home, you could knock me over with a feather!
But when they're not here I miss them like crazy!
This is the life of a granny!
Love it, love it, love it!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Prom

The hairdo
The pretty dress
Elliott & Whitney. He didn't get to go, but maybe Matt could photoshop a tux into the picture!
Whitney & her girlfriends, also known as the "Sassy girls"

Nana, here's your baby granddaughter all dressed up for her junior/senior banquet & prom. It took Matt & Kyle approximately 30 minutes to get ready for their proms. Shower, throw on a tux, grab the corsage out of the fridge Mom ordered, and head to meet their date. Whitney started at 10:30 am with a hair appointment, followed by a makeup appointment at the mall at 1:00, back home to finish getting ready & start taking pictures at our house, and then at a friends. Not to mention the manicure & pedicure with her girlfriends the day before! Being a girl is lots of work!!! I have to say, she was gorgeous. Not that messy ponytail we like so much around here! I think she counted 78 bobby pins when she took her hair down after the big night! Kinda makes me want to scratch my head just thinking about it!!! Can't hardly believe she is so grown up!!! Just a few months away from officially being a senior! Wow!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Just Catching Up!

I have been a horrible blogger! I mean Thanksgiving seems like ages ago! I sure had fun looking at everyone elses blogs tonight & catching up on your holidays and pictures (my favorite part). So here I go adding a new post to mine & updates on all that's been keeping us on the move the past couple of months. This was our year to stay in town& had the Pinson Christmas at our house. Santa was very good to all, and we had a great time having a big part of our crew here. We missed those who had to go other places, and missed everyone in S'ville. I really wish we weren't so spread apart! Maybe in Heaven we can all share a street or two. We still have not been able to get out of town, and I still have a few Christmas presents in my living room! But we have been busy watching our Lady Cardinals! They currently have 21 wins and 9 losses. Most of our losses have been in tournament play where we were up against some big schools. In district we are currently 4 wins & 1 loss. Whitney is doing a great job & even got to start in a couple of games this week. She got her nose broken in our first district game, and will have to have surgery to pop it back in to place (ouch!!!) when the season is over. I'm amazed at how she still plays without holding back at all. She is one tough baby girl!
Kyle is back in Abilene, busy with graduate school & work. We loved having him home for a few weeks, and things always seem extra quiet when he leaves.
I've also gotten to have some good grandma time this month. I always have fun when Jack & Sam come to Giggi's house. Jack has his favorite things to do here, like wear this old hat & a pair of his Daddy's old boots. He loves the computer games, video games, & of course videos, & we like to make cookies & other bad snacks. Giggi really needs to leave that last part off of the plan!!! Sam is growing by leaps and bounds! He is at such a fun stage, and seems to have changed and learned something new everytime I see him. It is so fun to watch him interact with Jack, and he really thinks everything his brother does is the funniest thing he's ever seen. Christine is feeling better, and did an amazing job singing at church tonight. It is such a blessing to get to watch her use her talent to praise the Lord. Matt is still loving his job, coaching a little boys basketball team, and busy with his family. We are blessed! God's best to all of you in 2008!